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Self drying type scar care silicone gel


原 产 地:瑞士 Stratpharma AG



[name] self drying type universal scar care silicone gel

[name] Application of goods between applications

[Specification] 10g, 20g, 50g

[composition] self drying type scar care silicone gel is a silicone rubberproducts from an olefin grade a silicone, silicone rubber polymer, two methylsiloxane, poly two methyl siloxane, three methyl siloxane silicate mixture.

[function] n between applications for the prevention and the improvement ofthe scar tissue hyperplasia. Must be in the wound or the wound healing can be used after. Shi between applications can also be combined with otherinvasive wound treatment method, in order to improve the overall efficacy,including surgical resection operation and re injection of drug and the pressure inside the lesions, suture operation service. Shi between applications suitable for children or sensitive skin people use.

Shi between applications is a quick drying, non adhesive, silica geltransparent. Treatment of both new and old scars, and prevention of pathological scar, hypertrophic scar and keloid.

Application of silicon gel films between applications is dried to form a protective layer, both breathable and waterproof effect. Thin layer protects the skin from the effects of chemical and microbial scar, the normal cycle ofcollagen synthesis of scar, produce mature scar and normal.

Application of complex between applications can soften the peace of scar tissue, relieve itching and discomfort symptoms, and reduce the red colorand discoloration of the scar.

Shi between applications gel is transparent silicone rubber and quick drying, non sticky, used in the treatment of both new and old scars.

Shi between applications suitable for the treatment of all parts of the bodyincluding the skin, exposed skin such as the cheeks and neck, and joint and hairy parts, and does not need to shave the hair. According to the instructions for use, application will be airing between applications and form a layer of silicon gel protective film, lock the moisture protection to normalscar, scar and synthesis of collagen, thus generating the normal maturescar. Shi Kefu used to soften and smooth scars, reducing the scar itchingand discomfort, and alleviate the scar redness and spot.

Shi Kefu for the treatment of all types of scars and production, including the following causes scar:

Conventional operation trauma, trauma, chronic wounds, burns, bites, acneand other skin diseases